Purpose Profile
Purpose Secondary School is an independent school, which exists to serve those students who, for a variety of reasons, find it difficult to succeed in the traditional school system. Students benefit from the fact that we are a small student centered school. We are also Tuition and Fee free!
Code of Conduct
In conjunction with the Ministry of Education’s Provincial Code of Conduct, Purpose Secondary has developed a Code of Conduct to ensure a Safe and Caring School.
Students succeed at Purpose Secondary School because they learn in small classes, benefit from a structured environment and receive one-on-one instruction when they need it. Successful students will receive the BC Dogwood Diploma.
Continuous registrations throughout the year!!
Staff Team
Purpose Secondary School staff work to meet students' learning and social/emotional needs. Each staff does "whatever it takes to engage" and mentor students. Supporting each youth developing their sense of self and self competency.

What is special about Purpose Secondary?
Some students need more than they can get in the public school system. Students who have attended Purpose School have told us that they need to make a connection to their teachers, receive additional support, be cared about, listened to, and at the same time be challenged to achieve their potential. They also appreciated the opportunities to belong to a school community which understands their uniqueness.
In order to provide a rounded education, there are many field trips and extra-curricular activities. Students attend events like the Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver Aquarium, The Museum of Anthropology. Also, there are walks and hiking, community gardening, Fine Art performances, camping to name a few. Every student can attend the events regardless of their financial status.

Message from the Principal
At Purpose Secondary School we strive to educate not only the mind but the heart. The staff is dedicated to meeting the needs of students who for a variety of reasons have chosen to pursue their education in an independent school setting. The students who attend Purpose Secondary School benefit from smaller class sizes in a relationship-based learning environment where students feel both emotionally and physically safe to learn.
Caring, skilled teachers and ancillary staff help each student address their challenges related to learning and their social and emotional well-being or mental health. Students are encouraged to achieve their potential, take responsibility for their lives and develop a strong set of learning and life skills.
Purpose Secondary School is part of a larger social service agency offering a continuum of programs to children, youth and family in the areas of health, education, childcare, counselling and skill development. It takes a village to raise a child and at Purpose School we are committed to each youth who joins our school community – a community with heart and purpose.
Merrilyn Cook-Nordheimer

Click Here for November 6 Principal's Message
Purpose Secondary School have partnered with Just Mulch to bring you high-quality soil and mulch for your garden, just in time for spring! Products provided by Just Mulch are completely natural and organic materials without the use of any dyes or chemicals. The best part: a tree is planted with One Tree Planted for every single one-yard bag of mulch purchased, which is great for the environment!
Please visit https://justmulch.ca/ for more information and to place your order.
Remember to enter the coupon code PURPOSESECONDARY at checkout to save 10% on your mulch or soil order!
(and our school gets 10%!!)
This fundraiser is not limited to Purpose staff and families and product delivery is available throughout the Lower Mainland and the Fraser Valley. So, pass on the coupon code, or download our poster and post it in a local coffee shop near you!
Thank you for supporting our school!

New Registrations for the 2024-25 School Year
School Fundraising
I am pleased to report that our school is now closed for registration for this school year. Registrations for the 2024-2025 school year are starting the week of February 26.
If you know a family who is looking for a new school placement for their child and believe they would be a good fit for our school, please give them my direct number (604) 512-6888 or email at merrilyn.cook@purposesociety.org .
I would be pleased provide a tour, describe our school program and answer any questions.